Promotion in Yandex and Google
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is actions aimed at improving the visibility of a website in search engines. The goal of SEO is to display and keep a website on the first pages (TOP 10) of search engines. Search engine promotion is one of the most cost-effective ways to attract targeted visitors to your website. As your positions grow, so does your business!
Promotion 10
competitive phrases
Promotion 15
competitive phrases
Promotion 20
competitive phrases
The cost of search engine promotion of a website is influenced by many factors, but the determining indicators are the level of competition among sites in your field, the number of keywords in the work and the region of promotion.
Promotion will begin with a basic or comprehensive audit, without which no promotion is possible. Despite the fact that an audit is a very important preparatory part, customers do not always understand this work, since nothing has changed visually on the site. However, only with this store of knowledge can you move on without stupid actions.
We do not optimize sites against the grain. All methods that we apply to sites in the process of their promotion are fully consistent with search engines’ ideas about quality sites. With us you don’t have to worry about penalties and filters.
Effective practice of website promotion for 7 years, knowledge of search engine ranking algorithms and continuous monitoring of their updates allow us to quickly bring websites to the TOP 10 for competitive queries. With us, you can be sure that you will get a long-lasting result that minimizes advertising costs.
We create it with our designers or buy licensed images from photo stocks in HD quality. We transfer all sources and original images to the customer along with the site. That’s why the message “You stole our picture!” you are not in danger.
Carefully studying monthly analytical reports on work performed and results achieved.